Abstract Painting

A painting is abstract if it doesn't attempt to accurately depict the real world, but instead uses shapes, colors, forms, gesture and texture. Minimalism and exaggeration and a variety of levels of detail are also considerations. In this abstract class, students will explore personal expression through abstract form. Color, texture and design principles will be discussed and employed. All levels welcome including newcomers to the field of painting.

About alison barrows-young

Alison Barrows-Young's passion for art is imprinted on her DNA. With generations of artists in her family, it is no wonder why Alison has always followed her heart to create. Her parents encouraged her at a young age to pursue her art, beginning when she was just a child.

Alison holds a bachelor’s in fine arts from Antioch/SVA and a master’s in fine arts from Florida State University.   She also has a master’s in education from Concordia University in Portland Oregon. Throughout her life, Alison has divided her career between teaching and professional studio art.  She has taught art practice for over 30 years and is particularly fond of teaching art theory along with visual expression.

Link to Alison’s Website: www.barrowsyoung.com

addition Supply list for students who have completed their first abstract class with alison:

  • Additional Gouache Paint as needed.

  • An acrylic extender liquid or gel, or Cascade Liquid Dish Washer Rinse (not dish washer soap)

  • One 18’ x 18’ canvas

  • Japanese bamboo brushes (large, medium, small)

  • A wider flat paintbrush (doesn’t need to be fancy)

  • Sticks or any interesting mark making or texture making items including Sharpie pens, liquid ink, or watercolor pencils

  • A liner brush

  • A pallet knife


  • Fixatif Workable Spray or Cold Wax Medium

  • Wider masking tape

  • Small containers like Dixie Cups or yogurt containers.

  • Liquid mask

  • Stencils (just patterns)

  • Gesso

  • Sponge brushes (used to paint walls)

  • Larger and heavier 300 lb. cold press sheet(s) of paper

  • Tissue paper

  • Collage type paper

  • Cotton rags



April 1,8,15 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Abstract Painting 04/01


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Supply list for students taking their first abstract class with alison:

  • HIMI 18 Color 12 ml Gouache Paint Tube Set or similar. (a basic artist-grade, eight-color set will be okay)

  • Canson XL Watercolour 300gsm A3 Paper, Cold Pressed, Spiral Pad Short Side, 30 White Sheets or your own paper of similar size and weight

  • Transon Artist Paint Brush Set of 12 or your own set; (2 sizes of flats, 3 sizes of rounds, a filbert, and a liner)

  • 1/2" Width masking tape

  • Fine Mist Spray Bottle

  • Mr. Pen- Airtight Watercolor Palette with Lid or any flat white plastic or ceramic surface

  • Artist Brush Basins Painting Brushes Bucket with Brush Holder, Wash Tanks, and Painting Water Pots or two plastic containers for water  

  • Wet Wipes, Paper Towels or Cotton Rags

  • 20 Assorted Colors Cardstock Paper 8.5" x 11

  • Scissors

  • KINGART Premium Precision 2120-1/4 RAKE Series Artist Brush (optional)