Welcome to the Joyce Dillon Art Studio!
Art Classes for Adults in Sandpoint, Idaho
Upon her passing in the summer of 2020, Joyce Dillon willed portions of her estate to multiple nonprofits in the Sandpoint area. Pend Oreille Arts Council was honored to be one of the beneficiaries of Joyce’s generosity. The POAC board, staff and volunteers created the Joyce Dillon Studio in her honor. Our intention is to provide affordable art classes for the Sandpoint community. This intention is consistent with POAC’s mission and Joyce’s wishes. The Joyce Dillon Studio is located at 313 N. 2nd Avenue, Suite B, Sandpoint
Joyce Dillon
Carol Deaner, Board President, on Joyce Dillon:
“Joyce remained working internationally well beyond retirement, but always loved returning to her home in Sandpoint. She had eclectic taste and collected art and artifacts throughout her life in the northwest as well as through her world travels. She continued to support arts and charitable organizations in Sandpoint. One of her last wishes was to help POAC continue its mission of providing artistic and cultural opportunities for the citizens of our community. The first step of this wish is the establishment of a classroom/studio where local artists and students, both young and old, can continue expanding their artistic endeavors.”