Exploring Acrylic Painting

In this class, Dan will teach acrylic painting at all levels. Painting topics covered during the course will include:

  • Composition

  • Perspective

  • Depth of Field

  • Values

  • Tone

  • Mixing Colors

  • Brush Work and the Use of Other Tools

There will be class discussions on some basic rules in painting and students will explore the idea that all rules can be broken or adjusted.

About dan carpenter

Dan always drew pictures, especially in grade school when he found out that girls would sit next to him if he drew horses.  He took art classes in high school and college.  He graduated from the University of New Mexico with a degree in architecture and minors in both art and photography.  While architectural and engineering drawing was his main skill, he continued to draw and paint while working for an architectural firm.

In 1975, Dan began serving as a legal artist and he produced drawings, models, etc. for court room displays and exhibits while he continued to paint in watercolors.  In 1976 he began showing and selling his paintings across the country.  He did approximately 10 shows a year for over 30 years and he learned from every artist he ever met.  He describes himself as being in the constant process of being “self-taught.”  In 1982, while having his own gallery in Jackson, Wyoming, he was taught how to paint with acrylics by Herman Adams.  He has continued his acrylic painting to this day.

More information about Dan can be found at: https://dancarpenterart.com



August 12, 13, 14 / 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Exploring Acrylics 08/12


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Supply list

Required Supplies:

  • 2-ounce tubes of heavy body acrylic paints (from the same brand if possible) in the following colors:

    • Ultramarine Blue

    • Cadmium Red

    • Cadmium Yellow

    • Paynes Gray

  • A 5-ounce tube of Titanium White or a jar of White Gesso

  • 3 pre-gessoed canvases, 8” x 10’” or larger

  • Synthetic paintbrushes in the following sizes:

    • #10 flat, ¾”

    • #4 flat, ¼”

    • #2 round

    • #1 round

    • #3 fan brush

    • Liner brush

  • 1 box of chalk

  • 1 #2 pencil

  • 1 spray bottle for water

  • 1 container for water

  • 1 roll of paper towels

  • Photographs or pictures of subject matter that you would like to paint

 Optional Supplies:

  • 2-ounce tubes of heavy bodied acrylic paints in the following colors:

    • Cerulean Blue or Cobalt Blue

    • Napthol Crimson or Alizarine Crimson

    • Cadmium Yellow Deep

    • Burnt Umber or Brown Sienna

  • 1 large 3” brush

  • A toothbrush

  • Small sponges of different textures

  • Pallet knives