Oil and Cold Wax Painting

In this class, students will learn about mixing oil paint and wax, texturing, layering, mark-making. incising, masking, glazing, and using additives. Unique effects will be created using non-traditional tools such as squeegees, brayers, and palette knives.  The class will include technique information, demonstrations, and plenty of time for practice and discovery. By the end of the class, students will have completed a variety of finished paintings and gained the knowledge and experience that they will need to continue exploring this exciting medium. 

The class will be appropriate for artists of all levels of experience.  It is designed as an introductory course but, for those who already have experience with oil and cold wax, it will serve to expand and enhance their current practices. The instruction will be centered around the creation of abstract paintings.  However, the techniques presented can be used to produce paintings of all kinds and students will be encouraged to create paintings in whatever genre they would like to pursue.

About jan rust

Jan received a BA degree in art and education in 1970.  Between 1970-1985 she taught art to students ages 5-adult.  She worked in schools and studios in Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Washington.

 Between 1985-2010, Jan was busy raising a family and working as an educator for Spokane Public Schools.  Although she never lost interest in artistic pursuits, her time was filled with a busy family and a busy job.

In 2010, Jan retired, moved to Sandpoint, and focused her attention back to her artwork.  One of her passions became oil and cold wax painting and she traveled all over the U.S. to study with some of the leading oil and cold wax painters.  She loves spending her time at POAC and she is having a great time in the Joyce Dillon Studio.   



March 3, 10, 17, 24 / 1:00-4:00 pm

Oil and Cold Wax Painting 03/03


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All needed tools, (a soft brayer, a silicone scraper, a small offset palette knife, and a skewer) will be provided at no cost, for the duration of the class.

Oil paint in a variety of introductory colors, solvents, additives, stencils, and collage papers will be provided for a $35.00 supply fee. Payment will be due to the instructor at the first class session.


A 12” x 16” pad of Arches Oil Paper

A small container of Cold Wax Medium (Gamblin or Dorlands Brand)

A 150 ML tube of Titanium White Oil Paint (Gamblin 1980 recommended)

A roll of 1” wide painter’s tape

Paper towels

Mark-making tools that you have on hand (pencils, crayons, markers, pastels etc.)

Found tools to create texture (bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, etc.)

Armorall Cleaning Wipes (optional)