Pastel Landscapes

Celebrate the beauty of nature with pastels. In this class, students will learn to paint boulders and waterfalls, bluffs of the southwest, and blues of the skies and clouds. 


About T Kurtz

T has been a teacher of Basic Impressionism in Pastel at the Spokane Art School and the Joyce Dillon Studio. She also served as an Artist in Residence at The Spokane Art School 2018.  She has over 10 years of practical experience being a professional artist and she received a BA of Fine Art from Washington State University in 1992.

More information about T can be found at


May 14, 21, and 28 | 5:00 -7:00 p.m.

Pastel Landscape 05/14


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Supply List

  • Drawing board: 13”x17” Clip Board or Larger

  • Baby Wipes

  • A Pack or pad of UART 9x12 Sanded Pastel Art Paper (any grit)

  • A selection of SOFT pastels in landscape colors – can be ordered through  

·       Recommended sets for this class: 

      • Sennelier 30 half landscape OR

      • Townsend soft form 12 clouds OR 

      • Great American 18 half try-me assorted OR 

      • Richeson HR 20 landscape 

·       Other acceptable soft pastel brands: 

      • Townsend Thinline 

      • Girault 

      • Great American 

      • Holbein 

      • Mount Vision 

      • Richeson Handrolled 

      • Sennelier 

      • Schmincke 

      • Terry Ludwig 

      • Unison 

*Dakota Pastels offers Joyce Dillon Studio students a one time 10% off coupon. After registering for this class please email the instructor, T Kurtz, at  She will send you the coupon code.

Supply fee

In addition to the supplies listed above, there will be a $30.00 supply fee due to the instructor at the first class session.  (Please bring cash.). The supply fee will cover the cost of photos and access to additional pastels.  

 If you have any material-related questions, you may call the instructor, T. Kurtz, at (208) 255-8813.  

 NOTE: Any student who arrives in class without pastels from the supply list may use the instructor’s.  However, there will be a $40 charge per day for their use.